Documentary | Virtual Reality

Ray’s Candy

Before serving fries and shakes at the Candy Store, Ray Alvarez served in the Iranian Navy.

After jumping ship and swimming to America in the 1960’s, Ray setup shop in Alphabet City. At nearly 90 years-old, Ray still tends the cash register as he has through thick and thin - even during the Thmpkins Square Riots of 1988 (which went down across the street) because Ray is committed to his beloved East Village community.

Along with VR Punks collaborators Alessandra Zeka, Ian Bell and Xander Samaras, we capture the eclectic crowd of patrons who stop in day and night for tasty treats and delectable chit chat.

Street urchins, world-famous photographers and old-time neighborhood patrons stop by to check in on Ray and take in a truly sacred New York space.

Special Thanks to Ray Alvarez, Clayton Patterson, Anthony Zito and Marlis Momber.