Voice of the Farmer Garden


Create a VR video as well as a 2D video touring the Voice of the Farmer exhibit on the National Mall in Washington D.C. anchored by a permanent garden space located adjacent to the Jamie L. Whitten Building on the USDA campus and the National Mall.

The Foundation transformed this green space into a tangible representation of the U.S. agriculture economy though raised beds, containers, and small “fields” which hold dozens of varieties of fruits, vegetables, grasses, herbs, row crops, and pollinator habitats.



A series of pre-production discovery calls revealed the messages we wished to convey through conversation with farmer and on-camera host Trey Hill of Harborview Farms in Maryland.

During production, we captured Trey as well as garden ambassadors from local universities tending to the garden and documented the various habitats.


This videos immerses the audience within the garden, showcasing fruits, vegetables, grasses, herbs, row crops, and pollinator habitats. The piece is used in educational curricula to illuminate the role of agriculture in the United States.