The Project

Employees at CLEAR define what it means to be indefatigable in a branded content recruitment video for new talent.

+ About Clear

Alclear, LLC is a technology company that owns and operates CLEAR, a biometric secure identity platform that stores individuals’ personal information and links it to biometric data, allowing them to bypass the travel document checker at security checkpoints by using fingerprint and/or iris identification. Wikipedia

company recruitment video production


How do we shake the notion that CLEAR is just another faceless corporation dealing in airport security tech? CLEAR is great people working on big things to make life better. How do we make a company recruitment video to convey this?



Concept meetings with the CLEAR marketing team revealed the value closest to the heart of CEO, Caryn Seidman Becker – to be indefatigable. In the video, we ask employees what it means to be indefatigable? How they are indefatigable at work and at home in their personal pursuits, their passions

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After scouting the space and scheduling out the single day shoot for the company recruitment video production, I determined it would be most efficient to work with two crew simultaneously. Crew A conduted interviews against a CLEAR blue backdrop while Crew B ran through a shot list with steadicam, slider dolly and locked off on sticks, capturing CLEAR team members collaborating and showcasing the amenities offered at the office.

Branded Content Recruitment Video Poduction 6-min.jpg


CLEAR challenges employees to level up and provides opportunities to interact with brilliant colleagues in a beautiful, open office all while improving the lives of travellers. We can say this, but it’s more compelling to show it. By asking employees open-ended questions about indefatigability the target audience (prospective new hires) learn about CLEAR’s greatest assets – the fellow employees they’ll be working with.



CLEAR’s tagline is You are You. With CLEAR membership, no drivers license necessary to board a plane. Use biometrics, like fingerprints or an iris scan in lieu of an ID.