Why I Create | Branded Content



Adobe asked us to profile three Brooklyn artists and ask them why they create. We explore their inspirations, their process and demonstrate how the Adobe software suite is a part of that process.



In less than a month, we took the project from conception to fruition. We started by identifying the artists - a musician, a creative technologist and a choreographer - and arranging studio visits for interviews and B-Roll. For an impactful finale, we wanted to show the artists coming together in the physical world as a culmination of their digital collaboration. So, we produced a real-life performance event with an audience at the old Factory Studios in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. We felt, too, became a part of the creative jam session - improvising and dancing with our cameras.



The series was launched in tandem with the release of the Adobe Creative Cloud. The real-life multi-disciplinary performance that we produced for the final episode was facilitated by this new tool for collaboration by Adobe.

Co-produced and directed with Wesley Wingo